


Faculty position opening (2019' closed)

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ITREN (2019-09-04)
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ITREN recruits tenure-track faculty member(s)


- 정년트랙 전임교수 특별채용 OO명

- 연구분야: 생물학 전분야 Background 중에서 줄기세포, 재생의학, 조직공학, 신경과학, 면역학, 발생학 연구 관련자

- 우수업적 연구자 우대: 최근 3년간 (2017.1.1~2019.12.31) IF 10 이상 또는 JCR 상위 3%이내 논문 주저자로 2편 이상

- CV, 논문리스트, 추천인 3인을 행정실 (로 서류 제출 (11월말까지) -> 심사 후 면접 등 개별공지

- 2020년 3월 1일 임용예정 

* 본 공고는 ITREN 홈페이지의 Job Recruitment 상시모집과는 별개로 진행*


1) Field: Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering, Neuroscience, Immunology, or Development with Biology background

- Highly preferred those published papers in high impact journals as primary authors 

  *at least 2 papers, in JCR top 3% or Impact factor (2 yrs IF or 5 yrs IF) over 10, during Jan 2017~Dec 2019*


2) Documents to submit

- CV

- List of publications (Please mark author role, impact facor)

- List of 3 references


3) How to apply

* Email to, at the earliest (by Nov 30th)


4) Process

- After assessment, further process (interview etc.) will be informed shortly

- Planned for appointment in Mar 1st 2020


*** This is a special opening this year (apart from the regular Job Recruitment in ITREN webpage) ***